Most software companies get dozens of feature requests every week—and that’s not a bad thing. In fact, if the feature is 100% critical for them and we can’t offer a viable alternative, we’ll tell them which of our competitors with that feature we think might serve their needs best. Rapport building with angry customers is a difficult task, but we have presented you with a number of techniques in the article to help calm customers down and offer great customer service. Since email also takes away our ability to observe the customer’s facial expression or body language, empathizing in your emails is key to figuring out what you need to know so you can resolve the issue and, hopefully, help the customer move away from frustration and anger to a better emotional state. Keep your cool and don’t let your customer’s anger influence your own behavior. This type of email expresses dissatisfaction on a particular behavior, product, or service. Try to say this so that it doesn’t sound like the resolution will take a long time to find, or they may be reticent to respond. Then, acknowledge their feelings. Avoiding the “angry customer label”, training self-regulation and demonstrating empathy are all good examples that are great to keep in mind. If you have a general question about using [specific_product], you’re welcome to browse our [knowledge_base_link] for walkthroughs of all of our features and answers to frequently asked questions. That's why we've prepared these 18 customer service email templates. First things first. As a follow up to our first email template blog post, we've created five more email templates to help you respond to difficult client situations. Saying yes all the time sends the message that your customers should rely on you for every little thing. Recently updated. Tap into the time-saving and stress-relieving power of customer service email templates. On one hand, there is the immense satisfaction of helping customers with their issues and being appreciated by them. And that’s really hard. At the end of the email do not forget to mention the necessary action which you expect to be taken care of in response to your complaint. Assess the urgency of the situation and encourage your support team to get more clarity. It’s also possible that they are angry because they may feel “stupid” for missing something that was probably written on the site. If their problems aren’t answered in your knowledge base, use it as an opportunity to improve your content there. Regarding difficult customer examples, researchers had this to say: “Handling angry customers is a daily task for any customer service rep. The right words and phrases to say to an angry customer. Then provide a copy-and-paste-able template that you can easily add into your helpdesk and edit as needed. Dear Esteemed Customer, Thanks for your email to notify us of the difficulties you have been experiencing with our mall recently. Clients Changing their Mind After Contract Negotiated Do you actually know what you’re talking about!? But the good news is that these are usually the least tricky to rectify. Either way, you’ve been wasting precious time. Plus, they help customers learn about your product and feel accomplished, while reassuring them you’re available to offer the support they need. In certain circumstances though, discounts simply don’t make sense. Here’s how to deal with angry customers—including examples, research, and best practices. Generally, if a feature is make-or-break, but we can’t justify building it (due to resource constraints or it being outside the scope of our vision/focus), our main goal is still to provide great customer service, even if that means they might leave. No matter what your customers are angry about, your agents can bring positive closure if they observe some basic rules in their email responses. Thanks for your note. 4. Following the right customer service email tips and templates make it far easier. Feeling really disappointed. Despite being “canned,” the response gets personal. best practices, communication, customer support. Work to find a concrete resolution to the issue. “I noticed that you left a review on your interaction with me that mentioned that the solution I’d offered didn’t work for you, so I wanted to reach out and see if we could get it fixed.”, “I know that you didn’t respond directly to my email and left a review instead. Hi [customer], I am extremely sorry that you had such a terrible experience with us. To show the customer you’re actively listening, paraphrase what their complaint is, ask clarifying questions, and don’t interrupt them. Dealing with angry customers. These emails should also mention the inconvenience that you have faced due to the poor product or services. Read the following emails over, copy and paste the ones you like, then tweak them to reflect your unique business proposition. 15 customer service email templates to welcome, support, renew. When it comes to an angry person, think of them as a soda bottle you just dropped. This is a concise and quick way to reiterate what you perceive as the problem. You've got an angry customer. Empathize, apologize, promise a resolution, and let the customer know their problem is being taken seriously. The worst possible thing you could do is fight fire with fire. Anger can often be displaced or without reason, whereas a complaint is typically well-crafted and based on truth. Living through these situations helps to improve customer service skills and anticipate customer needs following an unexpected problem. Key to a Well-Received Email Response: Make It All About the Customer. How to Write an Effective Apology Email to Angry Customers (with Examples) For customer support teams, a typical day at work is almost always a mixed bag of experiences . Professional Email Examples; Email Examples & Samples; When there are thank-you emails, there are also complaint emails. Email is a terrible way to communicate. It’s okay to say no. And another one-third of customers find phone support the most annoying service channel.. Here, we’ll look specifically at how we use email templates to pacify the situation. They might even be angry about external factors and not necessarily your business. Angry Customer Response Email Template. If you’ve been working in the tech industry long enough, you’ve likely got a server outage story. I find that assuring them is the best focus in your email, as it lets them know that this issue won’t happen again. You want to make your users feel like their ideas are worthy, so phrasing your rejection to their customer feedback the right way is key. And you’ll still provide a positive experience by walking them through an alternative that’ll work for them. We tested 10+ different approaches for this situation over the years, and one of them continues to stand out above the rest: Thanks for writing in! Her goal is to help businesses grow by offering practical and actionable ways to improve customer experience. And, you can test it out for yourself, right here… free for 15 days! This means that more often than not, when customers reach out for help, they’re already fuming by the time they reach an agent. This automatic reply is just to let you know that we received your message and we’ll get back to you with a response as quickly as possible. If you do it the right way, you won’t risk offending anyone or destroying any customer relationships. Thanks, [agent_name] and [agent_headshot]. Don’t let the fear of sending impersonal, robotic responses stop you. Worse, they set a poor precedent for putting a bandaid on an open wound. Usually, in this case, the best way to handle it is to reach back out to the customer. This needs to be fixed NOW.”. Discover what, why, and how to automate customer service, without losing the personal touch—nor hefty investments in AI and supercomputers. Learn how to successfully manage angry customers with a 5-step process from Copper’s Director of Customer Success. We’ve worked really hard to build the best product out there for small businesses to deliver awesome, personal customer support. I was not expecting a charge at all, let alone one that was SO EXPENSIVE. Here’s the customer support email we use to turn an angry customer into a happy one: Thanks for reaching out. Dealing with angry customers requires its own post (which of course we’ve already written). Responses for Dealing with Angry Customers. 15 samples of customer service email templates The templates below contain guidelines on tone and structure appropriate for different scenarios. Before the excrement hits the fan, proactively create some well-thought-out and amiable responses to difficult situations. Responding to an angry customer via email is very similar to the way you would respond to a negative review. Download and use these email templates to navigate even the most complicated scenarios and deliver great customer service. Why? That said, flat-out rejection sucks. Example support email: “Hi [CUSTOMER NAME], Thank you for your email and for bringing this to our attention. Likely, your customer will accept that their request will not be fulfilled. In this post, I will take you through a few good-to-know rules of writing customer service emails, along with templates you can use: Uh oh. Rapport building with angry customers is a difficult task, but we have presented you with a number of techniques in the article to help calm customers down and offer great customer service. Both happy and angry customers will give you some feedback to act upon and improve overall. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to give us a shout. We care about serving our customers and we have always believed that we leave no stone unturned to make it possible. Include personal touches, letting them know you appreciate their unique situation. A longtime customer sends an email asking if their grandchild can come to your salon to sell Girl Scout cookies to your customers. Win-win. It gives them an opportunity to feel heard by you, or, to correct you if you are wrong about t the issue. Want the best customer support and startup content delivered straight to your inbox? Some customers will get agitated as the interaction goes on. In the meantime, your best bet for speeding this up would probably be to use canned replies. Melissa is a CX Lead and content creator at Groove. If you do end up building that feature in the future, because of the way you handled the issue, you have a strong case to make for that customer to return. Example support email: “Hi [CUSTOMER NAME], Thank you for your email and for bringing this to our attention. But, you have to start with the master of all automated scripts: your auto-reply email. Whether you’ve worked in support for a month, or a decade, you will have run into an angry customer. Some customer complaints arise because they feel slighted by something you or your company did. Usually, a response that takes this approach will diffuse the anger that a customer is feeling, and will allow them to take a step back and see the situation a bit more clearly. Lead with empathy, find commonalities whenever possible to establish mutual respect. I’m so sorry, I definitely understand your concern and I’m escalating your issue so that someone can take a closer look at what’s going on right away. Usually the customer does not provide the necessary information about what has happened or isn’t working as expected and so you’ll have to ask for it. Customer service experience goes beyond call centers and emails. While most companies do earnestly try to solve customer problems, inevitably there are some problems that cannot ever be fixed… “But sometimes customers are just looking for a little empathy. On one hand, there is the immense satisfaction of helping customers with their issues and being appreciated by them. No one enjoys being on the receiving end of that, but you should be able to turn it around using a few quick tricks. You’ll be able to shoot them out quickly when time is of the essence. If you have any additional information that you think will help us to assist you, please feel free to reply to this email. People actually like using self-serve support, especially if the resources are tailored to them. How to handle angry ecommerce customers + free email templates. Watch how customers respond to or rate each template and constantly improve them. Any words included in brackets are placeholder text you can replace with what makes sense for your business (or … Although the customer service email templates we shared today cover very specific situations, the concepts in them (empathy, sharing information, promising resolutions) can be applied to just about every support situation. Because asking the customer to send a follow-up email with more detail automatically makes them think rationally. And unlike resolving a customer’s problem over the phone, doing so by email doesn’t give you the chance to hear the relief in the customer’s voice or experience, in real time, the gratification of turning the customer’s anger into appreciation. Mercer is contributing writer at Kayako. We get it—the smallest thought of admitting that your competitor has something better can be frightening. We do our best to always deliver our workshops as scheduled. Some customers will get agitated as the interaction goes on. Questions are powerful. The email should mention all the factors with which you are dissatisfied. The optimal solutions will always keep the customer’s specific language and reactions in mind. kick off a free 15-day trial of Groove here! The best path in this situation is to find a way to sugar coat the refusal in some way. We took the time to really think about the idea, and that’s clear. Customer Service Email Examples. 11 Customer Defusing Phrases. Assure them that you will help them fix the issue. Try out canned replies for yourself by signing up for a free trial of Groove, Here are all five templates in an easy to read (and copy) slide deck. She is the support team lead at Trello, a yoga fanatic, and strives to make the world a little bit happier one customer at a time. This could be your founder’s nephew posing as an angry customer. They can make me both angry and frustrated. Real-life examples of customer emails. Today, we’re going to share five customer service email templates we use for the most challenging of situations. This lets them know that you are on their side and that when they say they’ve been wronged. “dear email customer, drop dead”? In customer service, there’s an underlying fear that every single email you send might be the big one. Include all of the information you have on hand, and connect the dots to show exactly how it affects the customer’s account. Don’t miss out on the latest tips, tools, and tactics at the forefront of customer support. Something like: “Could you share a bit more information with me so that we can get to the bottom of this? The next time you face irate customer, you’ll know what to do. Angry customers can be some of the most nerve-wracking people to come into the inbox. Customer Complaint Depending on the condition that each customer came to you in, you will need to handle the interaction differently. Here is an example of an email suitable for this kind of situation; Dear [customer name], We are sorry for the delivery of a damaged item to you. Here's how you soothe angry. In fact, saying no might be the best choice for you and your customers. Erika Trujillo CX Lead & Content Creator @Groove. When an item is delivered damaged, customer service can handle the situation by sending the customer an email. Here are all five templates in an easy to read (and copy) slide deck. As long as you make sure it’s not a bug, put the onus back on the customer to resolve their own issue and provide them with the resources to do so. Note: Just as important as saying the right thing in this situation is making sure you actually do keep updating your customers regularly. This might be the one that goes viral on social media. We believe that Groove delivers so much value and you will feel that the investment pays itself off. We’ll walk through why these templates work (so you can build your own moving forward). Angry customers consume the majority of your agents’ time at work. Any words included in brackets are placeholder text you can replace with what makes sense for your business (or … If you check existing article on the topic, you’ll see that they mostly concentrate on angry or difficult customer service scenarios. Customer support emails work best using the same three components. Even though our product might not fit their needs, the customer will know that we went out of our way to guide them towards what’s genuinely best for them. There are a few key things this customer is saying that will give you a clue on how to best align with them: Some of the customer’s anger is coming from their feeling that they were not kept in the loop. This could have happened for a range of reasons. Here’s the kind of response you might get from a customer in this category, I don’t understand what you are telling me. During [business_hours] we do our best to reply as quick as we can, usually within a couple of hours. You’d want your team to remember — that one email might be the only interaction the customer has with your business — you cannot afford to lose this opportunity to delight customers. Everything we've learned (and are still learning) about growing a business. Here’s the problem. Let me talk to your supervisor or someone who UNDERSTANDS HOW FRUSTRATING THIS IS AND HOW IMPORTANT MY INFORMATION THAT I LOST WAS. The important thing to emphasize in your response is acknowledgement. Confusion and subsequent frustration on the part of the customer. If a customer emails a complaint, the agent’s response should include specific remedies, both at a high level and for the aggrieved customer. You don’t even let your own employees sell things in the break room. You care about your business. A good way to do this is to say: “Thanks so much for emailing about this—I’m sorry to hear that you were caught off guard by our billing.”. Think of it like smart automation that saves you time and effort without ever undercutting the personal touch! Based on the language in their email, it seems they feel that you are not listening or have not understood their problem as clearly as you could. For more example of words and phrases to avoid when talking to customers – angry or not – read our article: 15 Things a Call Centre Agent Should Never Say (But Many Do) Originally published on 5th September 2012. Customer Success Manager @Groove. Melissa Rosen © Kayako 2018 - A Help Desk Software Platform, How to Deal with Negative Customer Feedback When It Feels Personal, System Downtime: Act with Ownership to Regain Customer Trust, Misinformation from the support representative. You won’t send emails that suck. Example email template. If that’s the case, please just ignore this email. Be empathetic, apologize, and make it clear you understand that they’re upset. A screenshot would be super helpful as well. If you’d like to create and start sending your own templates through Groove’s canned replies (I’ll show you what that looks like below), you can kick off a free 15-day trial of Groove here! It’s in a positive tone of voice and still delivers value to the customer. This customer service email template has saved us our fair share of customers: We encountered an issue earlier today that affected a portion of accounts — and unfortunately yours was one of those affected. The work needs to meet the required and implied end. We’ve designed the templates below for specific situations—and use them ourselves. In this example, Ashley was very vague when approaching the customer’s issue. Learn how to leverage great customer service experiences to drive business growth. Bad Example: Dear customer, Unfortunately, the workshop that you were planning on attending was cancelled. Receiving a request for step-by-step support is an opportunity to teach customers how to use your services, and gives you the chance to define expectations. The most common way of doing this is by literally repeating the question to verify if you understood correctly. Thanks again and we wish you the very best as your business grows. How can you guys get away with this!?!?”. Thanks for subscribing to Kayako content! This will cost you time and money. Unfortunately, it seems like that’s not the case as we couldn’t keep you happy. This could be because of something you said or perhaps something they’ve experienced while using your product. That sort of goodwill goes a long way. They can be almost worse, it seems, than an angry customer. Here’s an example of a way to respond to an angry customer who had a bad experience. Evenings and weekends may take us a little bit longer. When a customer asks for a discount that we cannot give, we send this email response: First of all, thank you so much for checking out Groove! Means your users care enough to offer their own ideas and feedback make... Any discounts or startup pricing plans emotions differently case, please just ignore this email wrong about t the.... And actionable ways to improve customer experience should mention all the time sends the message that your has... Quick as we can get to the way you would respond to a negative review precedent for putting bandaid! People actually like using self-serve support, renew as a soda bottle you dropped... Paste the ones you like, then tweak them to flow into your helpdesk and edit as needed are! 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