Share on Facebook. The government takes a supreme hold in allocating wealth to its people and the countrymen do not suffer from any sort of economic discrimination or injustice. Socialism: Characteristics, Pros, Cons, Examples and Types; In the early to mid-20 th century, socialism was all the rage. Access to society journal content varies across our titles. A variation of the collective organizational model has been tried in China, but with limited success. If you have access to a journal via a society or association membership, please browse to your society journal, select an article to view, and follow the instructions in this box. The Lewis and Clark expedition left us with an embodiment of the America we want to be. Distinctions of wealth, income, education, culture, or social network might arise and would only be determined by individual experience and achievement in such a society. Marx predicted that bureaucracies would eventually disappear in a communist (classless) society, and that collectivist organizations, in which supervisors and workers function as equals for equal wages, would replace the bureaucracies. Thanks to the use of credit cards and biometrics, there is a very real possibility that the world is moving towards a cashless society one day. 0. This being so, all argument drawn from present history cannot apply to post-history, to the classless society. For the opposite see class society. If we seemed to lose much of that impetus in the years that followed, we've kept struggling to regain it. However, as more and more people fall into this middle-class distinction, it can lead to a more or less classless society, where most of the people within the society fall into one class. Because the classless society is, you will recall, strictly speaking beyond history. Contact us if you experience any difficulty logging in. Lewis and Clark laid out the pros and cons, ... even the ideal of a classless society. Humans existed for tens of thousands of years in hunter-gatherer or horticultural societies that were not class societies. Concurring with the above statement, the idea of pressing the Big Red Button is consistent with Karl Marx’s idea of a classless society, a society in which wealth will be distributed equally to all the people of the society. Left-Wing political parties believe in a classless society where equal distribution of wealth is desirable. So, obviously, it is possible for humans. The Pros And Cons Of Demand-Pullled Inflation 844 Words | 4 Pages. Educational Drive The goal of upward social mobility has made education a prime factor in society. Tweet on Twitter. History as we know it, gov­erned by the dialectic and conducive to struggle, will cease when the classless society comes into being. 11753. Any society which builds itself upon a system of rule with class divides will eventually begin to experience severe social rifts as time draws on, with wealth tending to ‘pool’ at the top of the system. Cashless Society Pros And Cons. The term classless society refers to a society in which no one is born into a social class [citation needed]. Dec 15, 2014. ... One of the main objectives of socialism is to create a classless society where all members are equal. Several countries adopted socialist ideas in some form or the other.