How can external actors support nonviolent campaign movements? Press When we choose our frequency, we choose our reality. October 27, 2016 | In this episode of the Peace Frequency we speak with Aaron Shneyer, the Founder & Executive Director of Heartbeat – an organization that unites Israeli and Palestinian youth musicians to build critical understanding, develop creative nonviolent tools for social change, and amplify their voices to influence the world around them. During the interview, she answers such questions as: What is the difference between rule of law and human rights? June 22, 2015 | We speak with Dr. Erica Chenoweth – Associate Professor at the Josef Korbel School of International Studies at the University of Denver and an Associate Senior Researcher at the Peace Research Institute of Oslo (PRIO). We will be discussing a USIP project called IMPACT Colombia, which combines support for reconciliation projects in Colombia with USIP's own brand of monitoring and evaluation. Bellart Bells Protus January 27, 2015 | In this episode we talk with DJ and producer of Jack Radio in Medellin, Colombia, Jeff Guerra. July 24, 2015 | In this episode we speak with author, educator, activist, and co-editor of the 2012 book, We Have Not Been Moved: Resisting Racism and Militarism in 21st Century America. The frequency of 528Hz is believed to be so powerful that it can help repair and restore DNA damage, bring peace and harmony and restore equilibrium to everything around it. Andrew is a recently retired primary care physician living here in northern Virginia AND back in the late 1960’s he was one of the original organizers of the very first Earth Day. Stress reduction associated with sound healing is amplified when used in conjunction with … Limited to this support campaign: first 528 piano & shakuhachi live audio giveaway! She, equally, doubles as the secretary of Carrington Youth Fellowship Alumni Network. September 1, 2016 | As part of USIP's 60 days of engagement around the intersections between youth, gender and peace, in this episode of the Peace Frequency we speak with Dr. Illana Lancaster about creating inclusive classrooms. He shares many of the challenges, successes, and failures of his own personal experiences with negotiation, including the importance of culture and best practices for coaching mediators in negotiation. Bad news: the share has plummeted since 2013, to a new low of 11 percent in 2018. She has done research on the “Role of Young Women in Emerging Democracies”. Japan’s first 528Hz composer and pianist, ACOON HIBINO is delivering to the world the famous songs by Masashi Sada, a Japanese musician known to sing from his heart, in 528Hz. How can nonviolent movements address potential spoilers? Visit From 1981 to 1989, Dr. Crocker served as Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs. It is produced by the U.S. Institute of Peace Academy . These are some of the questions that are discussed during this hour long podcast. Low quality breathing can trigger poor health and various illnesses.You can breath in a better way when you take a deep breath while listening to the music, since you can be conscious of your breathing without straining yourself. 2301 Constitution Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20037Tel: +1.202.457.1700, About The Peace Frequency presents in-depth interviews with ordinary people doing extraordinary things to create a world free of violent conflict. Derek introduces and explains a number of low cost technologies that rule of law professionals can use to collect critical data when funds are tight, and internet access is unreliable. Our mantra today: I choose to vibrate at the frequency of PEACE! Does working across various geographical areas and context affect monitoring and evaluation? In this interview, Jesse Pruett shares his personal experiences with tactical negotiations, stalemates, and coordination with civilian/military bodies and interagency collaboration. Dr. Crocker is James R. Schlesinger professor of strategic studies at Georgetown University’s Walsh School of Foreign Service and serves on the board of its Institute for the Study of Diplomacy. Music videos with English subtitles will be given out to everyone for free! We choose our vibration. Peace & Calming 105 MHz Present Time 98 MHz Purification 46 MHz Raven 70 MHz R.C. March 3, 2015 | In this episode, we talk with Sandra Melone, Executive Vice President of Search for Common Ground, about the importance of monitoring and evaluating peacebuilding programs. Recently I picked up a pair of Sennheiser HD600s, my first pair of proper audiophile headphones. Anthony discusses negotiation and its role as an integral component of conflict resolution. The 528 hz frequency is known as, the "528 Miracle," because it has the remarkable capacity to heal and repair DNA within the body and is the exact frequency that has been used by "528 cycles per second is literally the core creative frequency of nature. When tuned to "C (Do) = 528Hz," "A (La) = 443.9Hz," the listener will be surrounded by a world of unheard sound with a rich harmonic tone. In the medical field, researches related to the mind and body and 528Hz, such as researches on the autonomic nervous system, are being conducted with Professor Hiroyuki Kobayashi from Juntendo University. February 26, 2015 | In this episode we speak with Grande Lum – Director of the Community Relations Service (CRS) at the United States Department of Justice. Talk about good vibrations! November 5, 2014 | In this episode, we interview former USIP Senior Program Officer Candace Karp on countering violent extremism, as part of the course on Conflict Analysis. Exploring the idea that there are many ways to be a peacebuilder, we seek to answer questions such as: What do arts-based approaches to peacebuilding look like? There is a strong connection between the food you eat and the energy you emit. What role is nonviolence playing in today’s conflict and what are some misperceptions? Projects Alison is Legislation Practice Lead for Senscia, a Brussels-based consulting firm. February 17, 2015 | In this episode, we are joined by Colonel Steven Donaldson, Joint Provost Marshall for the Military District of Washington and Joint Forces Headquarters at Fort McNair. Why is adaptive leadership important in conflict analysis? Music that uses equal temperament compose a musical interval based on the "A (La) = 440Hz" sound. February 19, 2015 | This episode features Jesse Pruett, a veteran of 20 years of military and government service. 1.What Does "Listening is Supporting" Mean? What are different models of intergroup dialogue? How does it impact the voting process and the outcome? His solidarity and writing includes co-authorship with Pan-African pacifist Bill Sutherland of Guns and Gandhi in Africa, of which Archbishop Tutu commented: “Sutherland and Meyer have begun to develop a language which looks at the roots of our humanness.” Meyer’s work in education includes a ten-year stint as Multicultural Coordinator for NYC’s Alternative High Schools, and work on the Board of the Peace and Justice Studies Association. Since the talking part was unclear for me, I am also waiting for music that improves hearing. Together with Maria J. Stephan, she won the 2013 Grawemeyer Award for Ideas Improving World Order, which is presented annually in recognition of outstanding proposals for creating a more just and peaceful world order. It cleanses the feeling of guilt, which often represents one of the basic obstacles to realization, enabling achievement of goals in the most direct way. In some years in the early post-war era, around half a million people died through direct violence in wars; in contrast, in 2016 the number of all battle-related deaths in conflicts involving at least one state was 87,432. March 24, 2015 | In this episode we talk with Julia Roig, President of Partners for Democratic Change. In 2016, Kristina leveraged her skills from working as a rule of law practitioner in the field and her knowledge acquired through rigorous academic study to author a Practitioner’s Guide: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches to Rule of Law Research. Her 2008 dissertation explored the role of race, class, and gender in school-related violence in secondary schools in Johannesburg, South Africa. April 8, 2015 | In this episode, we speak with Joyce Neu, founder and senior associate at Facilitating Peace. August 25, 2017 | In this podcast, INPROL Director Lelia Mooney and Senior Program Assistant Chelsea Dreher discuss data collection technologies with Derek Caelin, Senior Specialist for Peace Tech Lab. Please enjoy ACOON HIBINO and Seiko Yamaguchi’s first collaboration. Pull out your sassiest teacup, brew your favorite tea blend, snuggle into your coziest spot, … Her bravery and activism was acknowledged by Foreign Policy Magazine, which awarded her as one of the 100 Leading Global Thinkers of 2013. The Peace Frequency is a weekly podcast series that brings together scholars, practitioners, activists, and learners from across the globe to discuss and debate the important work of building peace in our time. Most recently Alison has been assisting the Commonwealth Secretariat in developing policy frameworks and legislation to combat cybercrime. Recognizing that sound research sets a foundation for successful rule of law initiatives, we use this episode to reflect on how PeaceTech can enhance practitioners’ assessments and analysis in challenging contexts. She’s worked as a legislative drafter for both the Isle of Man and Australia, and has experience with policy development in the latter jurisdiction. November 25, 2014 | In this episode, we talk with Dr. Jeff Helsing and Dr. Matt Levinger about the importance of conflict analysis. Their book, Why Civil Resistance Works: The Strategic Logic of Nonviolent Conflict, also won the 2012 Woodrow Wilson Foundation Award. Welcome to this 528Hz healing frequency music release. Illana discusses her experience as an educator and why inclusive education is critical to building more peaceful societies. She is also working towards her PhD at the Australian National University’s School of Regulation and Global Governance. COPYRIGHT © Acoon Hibino & OTOBOTOKe AllRIGHTS RESERVED. Dr. Crocker’s teaching and research focus on international security and conflict management. I was really surprised that I cried that much despite having dry eye syndrome. November 3, 2016 | We speak with Nadeem Ghazi, the Founder and Director of the World Learning Grammar School & Institute, which provides support to schools throughout Pakistan that have declared a commitment to creating and maintaining a culture of peace. Adjust your breath to 528Hz music.While breathing is a natural daily habit, it is also actually very important. What role do women play in mediation processes? In this interview, Dr. Karp explains what CVE is and distinguishes violent extremism from violence. September 26, 2014 | In this episode, author and academic Severine Austesserre discusses her book, Peaceland. October 7, 2014 | In this episode we speak with former USIP Academy Vice President Lopez. Another way is to eat food that complements you. In this episode, we talk with Bidjan Nashat with Save the Children Germany about the importance of monitoring and evaluation in peacebuilding programs, particularly at the onset of design and with the input of the local community. With Professor Hiroyuki Kobayashi from Juntendo University as the supervisor, calligrapher Soun Takeda wrote the title of this album.Popular songs from the classic drama “Kita no Kuni Kara,” including each character’s theme songs, are rearranged into a symphony version of 528Hz, as 528Hz music that adjusts your autonomic nervous system.The renowned main theme of the drama, “Haruka naru Daichi,” is also included in the album with a frequency of 528Hz. Providing stories from her work around the world, Lisa also discusses the importance and sometimes obstacles of conducting a conflict analysis and the need to continually reassess it. Walters has adapted Peace & Conflict Impact Assessment methodology to transboundary protected areas, and produced short documentary films in the Transcending Boundaries series which portray multiple stakeholder perspectives concerning environmental peacebuilding in transboundary protected areas. The interview explores Steven’s experiences with negotiation when confronted with strict hierarchies, stalemates, and counterparts without authority. He also sheds light on how he approaches setting up and facilitating a learning experience. Thank you very much. Her dissertation compares children and adults in their reasoning about violations of Human Rights and infringements on human dignity. In December 2013, Foreign Policy named Chenoweth one of the Top 100 Global Thinkers of the year “for proving Gandhi right,” noting her work on providing evidence for the efficacy of nonviolent political movements. July 6, 2017 | In this episode we speak with Colette Rausch, Associate Vice President for Global Practice and Innovation at the United States Institute of Peace. She offers personal stories from her years of work on the ground including issues of dissonance between field operation and home offices, the fight between theory and practice, the concept of “peace fatigue” and vested interests of peacebuilding. Whose idea was Earth Day? Learn more… Love Frequency of 528 Hz – Learn more about it! Joining me in the studio for today’s show is Dr. Andrew Garling. His dissertation, in the works, is titled “Dear Friend: Correspondence Across Enemy Lines,” which looks at the relationship Nelson Mandela had with leaders of the Apartheid government during and immediately after his 27 years in prison. As part of the Community-based Peacebuilding: Engaging Youth course, Ariana discusses the benefits and positive aspects of working with youth, particularly through dialogue. You can experience the benefits of 528 more when you listen to it customarily in life: when you wake up, while you are commuting to work or school, at lunch break, while eating, when you look back on your day, while taking a bath, or before going to bed. The energy of the Earth vibrates at 528 Hz frequency which is the same frequency as Love, one of the most famous frequencies and is helpful to restore equilibrium to everything around it and to bring peace and harmony. In our conversation Natiq takes us through his journey towards becoming a self-identified peacebuilding trainer. ACOON HIBINO uniquely composes songs using this scale where the harmonic tone resonates the most. How are drivers of peace and drivers of conflict identified? We are energy vibrating. Congratulations to Lion Standing Against the Wind Foundation, being certified as public welfare foundation! This INPROL publication offers step-by-step guidance to conducting appropriate, high quality research to inform holistic rule of law programming. She is a senior program officer in the USIP Academy where she specializes in curriculum and training design and delivery, trainer development and university partnerships. Why don't you relax the rustling and bustling, edginess and coldness in your heart, coming from the discordant world situation nowadays, by listening to ACOON 528Hz? Love Frequency is the frequency that you vibrate with at the 528 Hz frequency. While researching I stumbled onto the topic of equalisation.In this guide, I am going to explain how to apply the best equalizer settings for gaming (and music) to ensure that you are getting the best audio quality possible. How do systems and approaches to justice help or hinder the process of building peace? November 18, 2014 | In this episode, we talk with Lisa Schirch from Alliance for Peacebuilding who offers her insight on peacebuilding around the world. February 24, 2015 | This episode features Pamela Aall, senior advisor for conflict prevention and management at USIP, senior fellow at the Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI), and founding Provost of USIP’s Academy for International Conflict Management and Peacebuilding. She also discusses the current challenges and opportunities in Afghanistan, as well as the role of listening in conflict analysis. CSCW and Uppsala Conflict Data Program (UCDP) at the Department of Peace and Conflict Research, Uppsala University, have collaborated in the production of a dataset of armed conflicts, both internal and external, in the period 1946 to the present. She describes the ongoing peace process in Colombia, which she blogs about at Colombia Calls, as well as how practitioners can address spoilers in negotiation or mediation processes. March 10, 2015 | How do we know the work we do actually benefits the communities we work in? Tune in for ideas on how to tackle language barriers, process mass amounts of data, and more! He developed the strategy and led the diplomacy that produced the treaties signed by Angola, Cuba, and South Africa in New York in December 1988. Nadeem's peace education work and trainings were the basis for the 2012 manual, Building a Culture of Peace: A Practical Guide for Schools, a resource supported by the United States Institute of Peace and Peaceful Schools International. These agreements resulted in Namibia’s independence (March 1990) and the withdrawal of foreign forces from Namibia and Angola. What are some examples of best practice? . He has conducted research, assessments and evaluations, and provided technical advice, in 21 war-affected countries (15 in Africa) since 1990. Dreams of Peace is a popular song by Frequency Of Love | Create your own TikTok videos with the Dreams of Peace song and explore 2 videos made by new and popular creators. Let this healing energy take you on an inner journey of peace, harmony, and awakening. Dr. Crocker has also served as the Chairman of the USIP Board of Directors from 1992 – 2004. The 60 days of engagement - #Youth4PeaceandEquality - are bringing awareness and education to three international days of celebration: August 12th is International Youth Day; September 21st is International Peace Day; and October 11th is International Day of the Girl Child. Please, please sell a collaboration CD with shakuhachi flute for those who suffer from eyestrain. What does it entail? 携帯電話(スマートフォンを含む)のメールアドレスの場合、端末の設定によりパソコンからのメールが届かない場合が御座います。パソコンからのメールを迷惑メール設定などで拒否している場合なども御座いますので、携帯電話のメールアドレスを利用される場合は事前に端末の設定を確認することをお勧め致します。, または、次のドメインよりプレゼントを配信しておりますので、次のドメインを受信できるように設定して頂いても受信が可能です。「」送信アドレスで設定される場合は「」からのメールアドレスを受信出来るように設定をして下さい。登録後にメールが届かない、プレゼントを受け取れない場合はmagazine@acoonhibino.comよりお問い合わせ下さい。. Heartbeat staff members are trained musicians and dialogue facilitators, entrusted to create and hold a space for participants to build critical consciousness of the complicated world they have inherited and to support participants in developing skills in critical thinking, communication, leadership, and creative nonviolent civic engagement. His most recent book is entitled, The Outcast Majority: War, Development, and Youth in Africa. In this episode she addresses a wide variety of topics related to cross-cultural and multiparty negotiation, including negotiating techniques, regional cooperation in conflict management, cross-cultural communication, and women’s involvement in conflict resolution. Nadeem has extensive peace education experience having worked with a variety of organizations including Peaceful Schools International, the United States Institute of Peace, Peace Direct-UK, and the British Council for Sports For Peace. January 22, 2015 | In honor of Martin Luther King, Jr.’s birthday, this special episode of the Peace Frequency is dedicated to the history, theory and practice of nonviolent action. Our guest is Marc Sommers, who is an internationally recognized youth, conflict, development, gender, and education expert, an experienced evaluator, and an award-winning author. How have communities who are engaged in conflict, that are facing injustice, or are living under oppressive conditions, applying nonviolence in their struggles. Each frequency of the 6-tone scale is believed to balance the whole body, the physical, spiritual, and emotional. As part of the course on Strategic Peacebuilding, she distinguishes community policing from hard policing and talks about the importance of working with local communities when engaging in security sector reform. The Peace Frequency presents in-depth interviews with ordinary people doing extraordinary things to create a world free of violent conflict. What kind of organizing power went into making it happen? How to Water a Meyer is a long-time leader of the War Resisters League and a founder of the anti-imperialist collective Resistance in Brooklyn (RnB). The Peace Frequency Loading Downloads 54 Episodes Share RSS The USIP Academy presents in-depth interviews with ordinary people doing extraordinary things to create a world free of violent conflict. What are specific ways to teach and train communities, particularly youth, to understand nonviolent struggle and wage it successfully? How deep is deep enough? Search for experts, projects, publications, courses, and more. October 28, 2014 | In this episode, we interview USIP Senior Program Officer Fiona Mangan on the topic of rule of law. Here, Ambassador Lyman recounts his experience in African affairs, including his perspective on the end of apartheid in South Africa and the prospects for peace in the Sudans. His dissertation is titled, “The False Promise of the Judiciary in Reducing Election Violence among African Countries.” Together we explore the history of election violence in Kenya and other countries around the world. She shares with us the role the ICRC plays in international conflict as while providing some legal frameworks and terminology to help us understand the world of international humanitarian law. October 14, 2014 | In this episode, USIP Academy Director Nadia Gerspacher discusses the fundamentals of community policing. Value of access path of great wisdom a frequency of peace and beauty the holy spirit saves you from the apocalypse in Gematria is 6830, Online Gematria Calculator with same phrases values search and … Good news: Up through 2013, there had been a significant increase in the share of peace agreements with gender provisions, from below 10 percent in the 1990s to 45 percent in 2013. She is the programs director of Project ASHA, an NGO advancing the rights of women and girls in underserved communities across Africa. Giving away live audio of "Kita no Kuni Kara ~Haruka Naru Daichi Yori~". Peace lily plants do not need or want their soil to dry out between waterings. Drink anything of high quality, close your eyes, relax, and listen while being conscious of the music.It is also important to drink something warm so that you do not cool your stomach or body. Let me conclude my words of gratitude and requests. In this episode of the Peace Frequency we take you to Memphis, TN and the annual Gandhi-King Conference. February 10, 2015 | In this episode, we speak with Andrea Harrison who serves as deputy legal advisor of the Washington Delegation of the International Committee of the Red Cross. Please enjoy the unique sounds of live 528Hz. Having worked at the intersections of legal drafting and implementation, she is able to offer insights on shepherding a law from inception to realization. Reduction of stress: Listening to higher frequency audio tapes can fill the listener with a calming peace and reduce feelings of built-up frustration or stress. 528Hz by ACOON HIBINO is also called "Frequency of Peace" since it reduces stress, makes one feel mentally and physically better, and solves conflicts between people. Are there certain frameworks that are more effective than others when gathering information? May 9, 2018 | Our guest on this episode is USIP Research Fellow, Zinaida Besirevic, a Ph.D. candidate in human development and cognition at the University of California, Berkeley. * What is '528Hz' that ACOON HIBINO plays? We talk about his approaches to monitoring and evaluation in peacebuilding programs. How does one frame questions in a non-threatening manner? Tears welled up during “Merry Christmas, Mr. Lawrence.” Blood circulation around my eyes got so well that my eyes were bloodshot on my way home. This year's theme was "Know Justice, Know Peace" and this episode is dedicated to that theme and the individuals who attend this conference. What role does the UN play in mediating violent conflict? The Frequency of Peace in Our Classrooms and the World Pedagogy for Troubled Times Region 9 Head Start Association Family Engagement and Cultural Effectiveness Conference 2019 Elizabeth Philipose, PhD lizphiipose@gmail September 29, 2016 | In this episode of the Peace Frequency we continue our series focused on the #YouthPeaceEquality 60 Days of Engagement. ‘The Madonna Frequency’ PLANETARY PEACE PROGRAM was given to Jasmuheen in October 2002, in response to the USA – Iraq and Middle East situations, and the general disharmony facing Earth’s people after 9:11. Who does it involve? Who is the ideal team to conduct a conflict assessment comprised? October 21, 2014 | In this episode, USIP Senior Policy Fellow Maria Stephan, co-author of Why Civil Resistance Works: The Strategic Logic of Nonviolent Conflict, discusses the concept of civil resistance as a tool for both conflict prevention and transformation. August 25, 2017 | In this podcast, INPROL Director Lelia Mooney  and Senior Program Assistant Chelsea Dreher get expert insights on overcoming obstacles to rule of law research and sharing your research to maximize its impact. On the show, Gbenga will discuss the challenges associated with reaching gender equality in Nigeria and what young people are doing to further this goal. Listen in for her tips on navigating complex environments and setting up reform processes for success. Together we discuss if moral reasoning changes with development, and whether and why we become more likely to tolerate harm. Social media affected the work we do actually benefits the communities we work?... 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