The Need: Truckers travel back and forth across the USA driving thousands of miles each year and spending upwards of $100,000 a year on repairs and maintenance. They are often traveling in unfamiliar territory and don’t know who to call when they suddenly need help with repairs, towing or maintenance issues. Currently, their best option is to stop driving and get on their computer or smart phone to locate a business (Service Provider) who can provide the truck help they need. It’s not an efficient way to get help when you’re stuck in an unfamiliar place.

The Solution: Call 800-TRUCK-HELP! Our goal is to simplify the process for a trucker needing help by providing a phone number no trucker will forget. We are assembling a nationwide telephone network of highly Qualified Service Providers (businesses) who provide services and/or products for semi-trucks. Each business who becomes a Service Provider of the 800-TRUCK-HELP Telephone Network will have the 800-TRUCK-HELP phone line ringing into their place of business and agree to provide the best services at a fair cost.

Free and Convenient for Truckers: As the network grows, our goal is for all of the 1.9 million truckers across America to know when they need truck help of any kind (towing, repairs, mobile mechanic, truck wash, tires, oil change, etc.), they can quickly get it by calling 800-TRUCK-HELP! No dispatch, no middle-man, no phone books or computers necessary – just call 800-TRUCK-HELP for an instant connection to a reliable Service Provider!!

How it Works: When truckers call 800-TRUCK-HELP, their location is identified using GPS tracking in their phone (GPS tracking is required in cell phones by the FCC for 911 calls). Simultaneously, the trucker makes a selection from a short menu and is instantly connected to the nearest Service Provider in the 800-TRUCK-HELP network. It’s quick, easy and very simple!

The Cost: For the trucker calling 800-TRUCK-HELP there is NO cost!!! For the business (Service Provider), we worked hard while designing 800-TH to make it very affordable for every business who wants to participate. Our promise to every business owner is to charge as little as possible so the 800-TRUCK-HELP telephone network will be affordable for each business! There is a very modest monthly phone bill but no hidden cost or per minute fees for incoming calls. Additionally, each business has an exclusive market area for their type of service.

The Bottom Line: This outstanding service will be available to all truckers nationwide, regardless of where they find themselves, and it’s just a matter of time until every trucker is using 800-TRUCK-HELP when they need assistance. When that happens… you do NOT want to be the business in your area that is not a part of the 800-TH Network.

As a lifelong trucking industry expert said; “Larry…. You’re on to something here… 800-TRUCK-HELP is going to be the biggest thing to hit the trucking industry since the wheel and truckers will use it”.

Once a market area is filled, it may never be available again! So do not wait to become an 800-TRUCK-HELP Service Provider – Secure your market area today before a competitor get it, call 800-350-9706 and ask for Larry.

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